Industrial Plants

My Industrial clients include Indian Oil Corpn, ITDC etc. My assignments include Commercial /Corporate advertisement sectors for new launches of products, infrastructure and industrial establishments, plants etc.

I personally visit industrial plant /project site before every photo-shoot. This will help in planning the required lighting and to comment on the situation. This will guide in removing small obstructing items, machinery cleaning, or temporarily halting a process and finally helps in getting aesthetically pleasing images. Daylight shooting is good option for large machinery plant sites which will minimize reflection from polished /painted steel surfaces and gives real natural look.

Luxury Hotels/Restaurants

My assignments include 5-Star Luxury Hotels, 3-Star Hotels, Chain of Restaurants. The items covered include , restaurants, interiors, lobby, spa, swimming pools etc. My exclusive shoots also include luxurious interiors, decorated luxury rooms, suites etc. Hotel /Restaurant photos highlights even little details of the rooms, articles like drawer handles, vases, numbers on the doors.

These images grouped with larger images of room gives inviting and comfortable impression on prospective guests. By showing little luggage, chilled wine/beer bottles with couple of glasses/culinary will take an ordinary room shot upto a few notches to invite the customers for a weekend retreat/celebration.

Food & Cuisine

Food photography is not just about the finished product on the plate or the people eating it. I give special attention to the ingredients for sensuous and mouth-watering photos. Photography of food preparation / national & international cuisine is one of my special and exclusive field. Real sight of food is tempting and sexy. My pictures connect organically often with really beautiful shots that capture the simple sensual nature of the dish, meal, or subject.

Natural light is always best for photographing food, but if the subject can only be photographed indoors in front of a window, it will then become back-lit with unwanted shadows. Some of these shadows can be eliminated by reflecting the daylight onto the subject by positioning something reflective, such as a bedroom design mirror, white reflector.


I am a nature-lover. My snaps include nature’s scenic beauty places, wild life sanctuaries etc. My assignments also include historical monuments, places of religious importance etc !

Ah, the Nature, the wildlife, the wildflowers ,the deep blue skies, the mountains, lakes, and deserts. The rushing tide along the beach. And of course, the sunrise over a sea of golden-stemmed prairie grass. Who could not get excited about the great outdoors, our nation’s natural heritage?